Recipe of Appetizing Bubur Manado / Tinutuan (in English & Indonesian language)

  • By Micheal Fox
  • 03 Feb, 2020
Recipe of Appetizing Bubur Manado / Tinutuan (in English & Indonesian language)
Recipe of Appetizing Bubur Manado / Tinutuan (in English & Indonesian language)

Bubur Manado / Tinutuan (in English & Indonesian language) Recipe. How to prepare it? What are the ingredients? Cooking tips and more… It is one of my favourite food recipe, this time i’am gonna make it a little bit tasty.

Tinutuan, also known as bubur manado or Manadonese porridge is a specialty of the Manado cuisine and a popular breakfast food in the city of Manado and the surrounding province of North Sulawesi, Indonesia. Tinutuan is originated in Manado, a city located in North Sulawesi island of Idonesia.

Here is the best “Bubur Manado / Tinutuan (in English & Indonesian language)" recipe we have found so far. This is gonna smell and look delicious.

Ingredients of Bubur Manado / Tinutuan

(in English & Indonesian language)

  1. You need 1 bunch of water spinach /kangkung.
  2. Prepare 1 bunch of spinach /bayam.
  3. Prepare 1 can of sweet corn /jagung manis kalengan.
  4. It’s 250 grams of cassava /ubi kayu/ singkong.
  5. Prepare 500 grams of pumpkin /labu.
  6. Take 2 sticks of lemongrass /sereh.
  7. Prepare 2 leaves of turmeric /daun kunyit.
  8. Take 1 bunch of Basil /kemangi.
  9. Take 100 grams of rice /beras.
  10. Make ready 1 tsp of Salt /garam.
  11. It’s 2 litres of water /air.
  12. Prepare 6 pieces of fried Tofu /tahu goreng.
  13. Take 1 tsp of fried garlic /bawang putih goreng.
  14. Prepare 2 tablespoon of fried red onions /bawang goreng.
  15. Prepare 2 of finely cut green onions /batang bawang yang sudah dipotong halus.
  16. Make ready 6 pieces of fried salted fish.
  17. Make ready of Hot chili sauce.

Ada juga yang mengatakan tinutuan adalah makanan khas Minahasa, Sulawesi Utara.Tinutuan merupakan campuran berbagai macam sayuran, tidak mengandung daging.Tinutuan, also known as bubur manado or Manadonese porridge is a specialty of the Manado cuisine and a popular breakfast food in the city of Manado and the surrounding province of North Sulawesi, Indonesia. tinutuan (or bubur manado), a goopy porridge of rice, pumpkin, noodles and random vegetables — doesn't look very attractive, but it can be English, German, Dutch and Indonesian spoken.Enjoy ocean views, Manado Tua volcano and Bunaken Island.

Bubur Manado / Tinutuan

(in English & Indonesian language) step by step

  1. Wash all ingredients clean /cuci bersih semua bahan..
  2. Prepare pumpkin and cassava and cut into small pieces /siapkan labu dan singkong lalu potong kecil-kecil..
  3. Then water spinach and spinach are also cut into small sizes /juga kangkung dan bayam dipotong kecil-kecil..
  4. Prepare a medium sized pan, fill it with water then add pumpkin, cassava, rice, sweet corn, lemongrass and turmeric leaves. Cook for about 25 minutes or until everything is cooked /Siapkan panci ukuran sedang, isi dengan air lalu masukkan labu, singkong, beras, jagung manis, sereh dan daun kunyit. Masak selama kurang lebih 25 menit atau sampai semuanya matang..
  5. Before entering the vegetables, press-squeeze the pumpkin in the water until it looks yellow and thick /Sebelum memasukkan sayur, tekan-tekanlah labu agar hancur sampai airnya terlihat kuning dan kental..
  6. Add water spinach and spinach, mix well with other ingredients that have been cooked, then add the green onions, basil, fried garlic and salt. Mix everything well once again /Masukkan bayam dan kangkung, campur dengan baik bersama bahan lainnya yang sudah matang, lalu tambahkan daun bawang, kemangi, bawang putih goreng dan garam, campurkan semuanya dengan baik sekali lagi..
  7. Serve with fried tofu, fried salted fish and hot chili sauce /Sajikan bersama Tahu goreng, ikan asin goreng dan sambal pedas..

Tinutuan, also known as bubur manado or Manadonese porridge is a specialty of the Manado cuisine and a popular breakfast food in the city of Manado and the surrounding province of North Sulawesi, Indonesia.Tinutuan is a congee made from rice, pumpkin and sweet potato or cassava cooked up.Tinutuan atau Bubur Manado adalah makanan khas Indonesia dari Manado, Sulawesi Utara.

Located in a tropical garden all guest rooms. tinotuan bubur-manado nutrition facts and nutritional information.Tinutuan or Bubur Manado or Manadonese Porridge is traditional cuisine from Manado, North Sulawesi, Indonesia that made from rice and vegetables.It served with chili sauce and salted fish.bubur manado / tinutuan campur #makanandaerah #nusantara.From Wikimedia Commons, the free media repository.

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